Russia, China and the Future
Let me get a few things off my chest. Now, I might be wrong about all of this but here is what I think:
Why are we in Iraq? It's not about oil. We have oil in California. We have oil in Texas. If we have a hankerin' for foreign oil, hell, there's always oil in Mexico.
We're in Iraq to keep the Russians from sweeping down into the Mid East. That's why no one will come out and say "Let's recall all our troops, NOW!"
At present, the essence of our policies, foreign and domestic, regards the protection of America and American interests from Russia and China.
Conservatively, the Soviet Union lost over 23 Million in World War II. There are over a billion people who live in China. Are we prepared to go to war with people who can lose millions of people? Indeed, the Chinese can arm their soldiers with slingshots and still win, simply because they have millions upon millions of people they can throw at us.
And Russia and China have made very provocative sounds as of late. Some of these sounds are rants, some are munitions. We should worry.
And our first line of defense is our economy. A healthy, liquid economy that is not pooled into a few dozen Super Companies (too many eggs in one basket).
Regarding the economy, this first and most important defense...lets not talk of a housing crisis. Housing was artificially high. It has now corrected. This is a natural occurrence. And it was natural that some who invested in real estate lost money.
The bail out. Lets not give a crap load of money to companies who have made draconian loan contracts, been greedy and lost tons of cash because of their greed. How many people would default on loans if the interest wasn't so massive, if there weren't so many penalties, if blah blah blah... I mean, really, does anyone NOT know what I'm talking about?
Do we give the money to the people who need the actual cash? No, we give it to the people who, though greed and avarice, caused the financial catastrophe to begin with.
Our first line of defense is not strong and because of this we approach the military option. The military option. We cannot win a conventional war with Russia or China.
I imagine we have four years.
Of course, I could be wrong about all of this. Oh, and the picture? What do those beautiful legs have to do with all of this military, economic stuff? Nothing. I just like the picture.